Ho Fumana Boleng ba Moea

  • Professional High Performance Indoor Air Quality Monitor with Multi-sensors CO2 TVOC PM2.5 HCHO, Commercial Grade with RS485 WiFi Ethernet

    Professional High Performance Indoor Quality Monitor with Multi-sensors CO2 TVOC PM2.5 HCHO, Commercial Grade with RS485 WiFi Ethernet

    Ho fumana boleng ba moea ka tlung ka nako ea nnete.
    Tekolo ea Mohaho o Motala
    BAS le HVAC
    Smart Home System
    Sistimi e Ntle ea Taolo ea Moea
    Ho aha Sistimi e Bocha ea ho Pholosa Matla le Tekolo
    Kamore ea ho ithuta, ofisi, holo ea lipontšo, setsi sa mabenkele, sebaka se seng sa sechaba

  • IAQ Multi-Sensor Monitor for green  buildings with RS485 WiFi LCD display

    IAQ Multi-Sensor Monitor bakeng sa meaho e tala e nang le ponts'o ea RS485 WiFi LCD

    E na le boiphihlelo ba ho rala lihlahisoa tsa IAQ bakeng sa lilemo tse 15, 'me ts'ebetso e matla e tiisitsoe
    Ho lemoha boleng ba moea ka tlung ka nako ea 'nete, khetho ea tekanyo e le 'ngoe kapa e kopantsoeng: PM2.5/PM10, CO2, TVOC, Mocheso le RH
    Leseli la mebala e 3 le bontša boholo ba tekanyo e kholo
    Pontšo ea OLED ea boikhethelo
    E loketse likolo, liofisi, lihotele le merero ea bolulo ho sekaseka boleng ba moea oa kahare, le ho laola lits'ebetso tsa moea.
    Modbus RS485 kapa sebopeho sa puisano sa WIFI, RJ45 boikhethelo

  • Industry-leading Air testing Equipment In-Duct Air Quality Detector Multi-sensors PMD Series

    Thepa e etellang pele indastering ea ho hlahloba Moea ka har'a Duct Air Quality Detector Multi-sensors PMD Series

    Ho rala le ho etsa lihlahisoa tsa IAQ ho feta lilemo tse 14, ho romelloa ka nako e telele ho limmaraka tsa lefats'e tse nang le ts'ebetso e matla e netefalitsoeng.
    Mojule oa sensor ea boleng bo holimo e hahiloeng kahare, e nang le theknoloji ea thepa, ts'ebeliso ea nako e telele e tsitsitseng le e tšepahalang.
    Khetla ea boemo ba indasteri le sebopeho ho khotsofatsa tikoloho e fapaneng.Mesh e ka ntshuwang bakeng sa ho hlwekiswa ha bonolo le ho sebediswa hape
    Moralo oa pitot tube inlet le outlet, sebakeng sa pompo ea moea bakeng sa ts'ebeliso ea nako e telele ea bophelo
    Laola lebelo la fan ka bo eona ho netefatsa molumo oa moea o sa fetoheng
    Fana ka mefuta e mengata ea puisano ho khetha le ho hokahanya sethala sa software sa ho shebella le ho hlahloba, bakeng sa polokelo ea data, tlhahlobo le papiso
    Ka boikhethelo phepelo ea matla a mabeli, e loketseng ho kenya
    RESETSA Setifikeiti

  • High Cost Performance Outdoor Air Quality Detector with Multi-Sensors and RS485 WiFi Ethernet

    Sesebelisoa se phahameng sa Ts'ebetso sa Kantle sa Boleng ba Moea se nang le li-Multi-Sensors le RS485 WiFi Ethernet.

    Ka boiphihlelo ba lilemo tse 14 ho moralo le tlhahiso ea lihlahisoa tsa IAQ, thepa ea nako e telele ho ea Europe le United States le sebaka sa Gulf, liphihlelo tse ngata tsa projeke.
    E hahelletsoeng ka har'a maemo a holimo a holimo a holimo a nepahetseng a li-particle sensing module bakeng sa tekanyo e nepahetseng ea li-parameter le tekanyo e phahameng ea ts'ebetso ea litšenyehelo.
    Ho na le liparamente tse fihlang ho tse robeli ho fihlela litlhoko tsa ho beha leihlo tikoloho ea sepakapaka, kotopo, ka tlas'a lefatše le sebaka se ka tlas'a lefatše.
    Moralo o thibelang pula le lehloa, moralo o hananang le mocheso o phahameng o nang le litekanyetso tsa ts'ireletso tsa IP53.
    E loketse tlhahlobo ea boleng ba moea libakeng tse thata, tse fumanehang bakeng sa lintlha tse tsoang tikolohong e haufi ea kantle
    Fana ka mefuta e fapaneng ea likhetho tsa likhokahano tsa puisano, hokela sethala sa ho beha leihlo le ho sekaseka software bakeng sa polokelo ea data, tlhahlobo le papiso
    Ho sebetsa le li-monitor tsa boleng ba moea tsa kahare hammoho, e le papiso le tlhahlobo ea data ea kahare le kantle, le ho nts'etsapele ntlafatso ea boleng ba moea kapa tharollo ea ho boloka matla.

  • User friendly and professional  data platform “MyTongdy” gathering real-time data

    Sethala sa data se bonolo le se sebetsang sa "MyTongdy" se bokellang lintlha tsa nako ea nnete

    Ho bokella lintlha tsa li-sensor, ho rekota, sethala sa litšebeletso tse hole